Wit and Wisdom
District administration have taken the initial steps in a curriculum review of ELA kindergarten through 6th grade and reading intervention in grades 7 through 12. NPSD’s last review of this curriculum area was in 2014, and although our curriculum is aligned to the state standards, our resources are considered “end of life programs,” and are becoming very expensive to maintain.
NPSD has been implementing our curriculum through a Balanced Literacy Framework, and while we still believe in a balanced model, we have found through the Science of Reading, that the balance in each grade level is not equal. Our goal is to build upon our knowledge and experience, and make sure that all of our instructional practices and resources are aligned to The Science of Reading at all levels, K-12.
To facilitate the review a steering committee has been formed with three workgroups focused on research, data and resources. The committee is composed of central administrators, supervisors, principals, assistant principals, regular education teachers, special education teachers. ELD teachers and technology specialists.
The timeline includes kickoff meetings and a stakeholder meeting in the fall, followed by committee work over the winter. The plan includes resource selection and ECI approval in the spring with professional development in May and over the summer.