The North Penn Board of School Directors sets the policies that define the nature of public education from kindergarten through grade 12, including special education, community education and summer school programs, for the entire district. As elected officials, school board members must answer to the electorate and to the Pennsylvania Department of Education.
North Penn's nine school directors assess the community's needs and aspirations to develop an educational program that is consistent with community resources. It is then the job of the superintendent of schools to work with the district's administration to creatively execute the board's objectives. It is also the superintendent's responsibility to bring recommendations to the board for action in carrying on the work of the district.
Residents of the North Penn School District elect nine school directors at-large to serve four-year terms. Board members receive no compensation for their considerable commitment of time and energy.
The North Penn Board of School Directors typically meets on the third Thursday of the month, at 7:00 p.m., in the William J. Jacobs Board Room in the Educational Service Center, 401 East Hancock Street, Lansdale. All formal action and decision-making takes place in these public meetings. The Board also meets the week before each monthly meeting on Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. in the William J. Jacobs Board Room for a work session meeting.
The Board of School Directors is organized in a committee structure that allows school administrators to report to their respective committees. These committee meetings are also public and are held at various times throughout the month. The committees are as follows: Education/Community Relations/Policy, Finance, and Support Services.
Official notice of committee meetings, action meetings and work session meetings is published in The Reporter, announced on radio station WNPV (1440 AM) and broadcast on NPTV. Any questions concerning the North Penn Board of School Directors can be directed to Steve Skrocki, School Board Secretary, at (215) 853-1010 or [email protected].