Home & School News & Events:
Pennfield Home & School funds grants, assemblies, equipment, and classroom support from which every student at Pennfield benefits! Examples of what Home & School has funded are Industrial Fans, fitness room upgrades, Brain Pop, Holocaust Survivor assembly, Adopt a Family, Quizlet, Scholarships, teacher grants, and much more!!! We are fully funded from our Pennfield families!
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Join us at our Home & School Meetings! We are always looking for input from our families!
Did you know that Pennfield's Home & School has partnered with Dell's PTA Partner Program. This program allows parents, students, friends and family, and employees of the school to receive special pricing off Dell Chromebooks plus other computers and accessories.
Yes, we collect boxtops year round!! Please send in unexpired boxtops in a sealable bag labeled with your student's first & last name and grade. They can then turn it into their homeroom teacher or the main office. Everyone who brings in Box Tops will be entered into a contest/drawing for a surprise gift!
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Did you know that Giant School Rewards brings in $1000 per year for our H&S? Due to Changes in the Giant Food Stores Privacy Laws...we can no longer input your information... but you can... please help us!! Use this link to go to Giant: www.giantfoodstore.comOpening in a new window ! Thank you for supporting our school!
Clothing Shed:
Cleaning out your closets?? Please consider donating clothing, linens, stuffed toys, shoes, etc. to benefit Pennfield! Drop donations in tied plastics bags in the shed in rear parking lot near the gym entrance - Tax forms available at the site. Available for drop off every day, all the time.
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